If you are interested in doing business in Italy, below is some useful linl
- Department of the Treasury of the Ministry of Economy and Finance http://www.dt.mef.gov.it/it/index.html
- Bank of Italy http://www.bancaditalia.it/
- Statistics on the Italian economy by the Bank of Italy http://www.bancaditalia.it/statistiche/index.html?com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language=102
- ISTAT National Statistical Office http://www.istat.it/it/
- Italia Startup Visa http://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/
- Invitalia / Sviluppo Italia http://www.invitalia.it/site/new/home.html
- Confindustria http://www.confindustria.it
- Unioncamere http://www.unioncamere.gov.it/
- Foreign Assocamere http://www.assocamerestero.it/